最新的消息:prometeus旗下的iwstack云VPS大幅降价,最大降幅达27%。iwstack是prometues在2013年3月新创建的VPS品牌,基于CloudStack的云平台(底层虚拟是KVM),按照小时计费,支持自定义ISO(Win党喜欢),双10G接入,每个VPS分1G端口,有美国达拉斯和意大利米兰2个机房,免费为大家提供 高达8G的DDOS保护(或者100万个数据包/秒),各种强悍自己体会吧,骚年!
每个VPS默认提供1T的免费流量/月(超出部分G/€ 0.002 ),流入的流量不计费,主SAN硬盘1G/月只要€0.072,第二个NFS盘(用来备份快照、加载ISO等)1G/月只要€0.036,额外IP每个每月1欧元,windows2008和2012每月授权费9欧元,private network(独立的VLAN、防火”不可描述”、均衡负载、ipsec v-p-n等) €1.44/月。
内存 | CPU | 价格 | 链接 |
512M | 1 | 2.16欧/月 | 购买 |
1G | 2 | 4.32欧/月 | 购买 |
2G | 4 | 7.2欧/月 | 购买 |
4G | 4 | 14.4欧/月 | 购买 |
8G | 8 | 28.8欧/月 | 购买 |
16G | 12 | 50.4欧/月 | 购买 |
首次开通预交30欧元! |
BASIC 2GB from 0.012 to 0.010 iwCredits per hour (-16.66%) (from 8.64 to 7.2 per average month)
BASIC 4GB from 0.024 to 0.020 iwCredits per hour (-16.66%) (from 17.28 to 14.4 per average month)
BASIC 8GB from 0.048 to 0.040 iwCredits per hour (-16.66%) (from 34.56 to 28.8 per average month)
BASIC 16GB from 0.096 to 0.070 iwCredits per hour (-27.08%) (from 69.12 to 50.4 per average month)
VIRTUAL ROUTER from 0.006 to 0.002 per hour per instance (-66.66%) iwStack is one of the most powerful and less expensive IAAS cloud of the market.
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